Aimee on Linguistics
There seem to be a number of linguistics-related personal pages
on the web, so I thought I may as well add my own. What follows is
information about fields in Linguistics which I have studied, papers I
have written,
and the obligatory links to better resources. Bear in mind, I only just finished my
undergraduate years, so the stuff here will be pretty superficial and
My Background in Linguistics:
The following is quoted from the current Tulane course catalogue and written by Judith Maxwell, the Linguistics Program
co-ordinator. Linguistics at Tulane is the deformed stepchild to the
Anthropology Department: hidden away in the basement so know one knows
it's there, rarely mentioned and almost never brought out for the public to see.
People ask me why I went to Tulane to major in a subject which is
unpopular and obscure on that campus. My answer: they gave me a load
of money, and I was a math major until the last leg of my freshman year.
Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Language
is a, if not the, particularly human ability. The study of this ability includes definitional
characteristics, the acquisition and loss of language by "hu-per-offspring-kind",
its formal properties of sound, meaning, and juxtaposition, and the
social contextualization of its use. The major program in linguistics is
designed to train the student in modern techniques of language
analysis and description, while providing exposure to the elements
of diversity and universality in human language use. The student
gains familiarity with real language data, while developing theoretical
and philosophical frameworks within which to evaluate this knowledge.
The linguistics major is an interdisciplinary program, integrating courses
from tewlve departments.Incidentally, some time in the future, I intend
to go through my revision notes (where applicable) and class notes, and provide more
in-depth info about the classes I've taken. At the moment, however, I have neither the time
nor the patience.
Courses Taken at Tulane
Papers and Projects
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